Monday 20 October 2014

The electric suit that shocks you slim

Like millions of women across Britain, I will stop at virtually nothing if it promises to make me fitter faster.
From toning footwear to vibrating dumbbells, Jazzercise and aqua-aerobics, you name it, I’ve tried it. And, as a busy mother-of-two, if it requires no effort on my part, so much the better.
So, when I heard about a new, high-tech exercise regime, which simply required me to strap myself into a body suit that looks like something from RoboCop, plug in some electrodes and let science work its magic, it sounded like a dream come true.
A new, high-tech exercise regime, which simply requires you to strap yourself into a body suit, plug in some electrodes and let science work its magic - it sounded like a dream come true
A new, high-tech exercise regime, which simply requires you to strap yourself into a body suit, plug in some electrodes and let science work its magic - it sounded like a dream come true
And if it’s good enough for Usain Bolt — not to mention the WAGs and models who frequent the exclusive West London gyms that are the first to offer it in the UK, before it rolls out nationwide — it’s good enough for me.
E-Fit was first designed as a rehabilitation aid for elite athletes — top footballers Frank Lampard and Lionel Messi are fans — but has since garnered a reputation as a quick fix for weight-loss and improved muscle tone. This, in turn, has led to huge demand from normal women who want to get rid of cellulite and stubborn body fat.
It uses Electrical Muscular Stimulation (EMS) technology to provide the equivalent of an hour’s workout in 20 minutes, giving your muscles electric shocks as you work out. Although you can’t see results straight away — it takes about four sessions — EMS apparently stimulates 90 per cent of your body’s main muscles every time you use it.
Nadia Cohen with specially trained E-Fit expert Csaba Hegedus who travels the globe training people to use the system
Nadia Cohen with specially trained E-Fit expert Csaba Hegedus who travels the globe training people to use the system
The scientists behind it claim it can help with body-shaping, weight-loss, stamina and endurance, as well as improving posture and reducing back pain. The system also promises to stimulate your mood and sense of wellbeing — in fact, pretty much the only thing it won’t do is give you a massage afterwards.
During a single session, the device works 350 different muscles, contracting them a total of 36,000 times, meaning they’re working up to ten times harder than during conventional exercise — ideal for busy women who don’t have enough time in their week to spend hours pumping away in the gym.
Admittedly, it sounds oddly reminiscent of the Slendertone-style slimming belts that have been around since the Seventies — the same belts that led thousands of couch potatoes to believe they could get a six-pack just from sitting on the sofa and which were dismissed as ‘quackery’ by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The scientists behind it claim it can help with body-shaping, weight-loss, stamina and endurance, as well as improving posture and reducing back pain
The scientists behind it claim it can help with body-shaping, weight-loss, stamina and endurance, as well as improving posture and reducing back pain
It’s true the principles of EMS have been around for a while, but the technology has advanced and new research shows EMS can have a positive effect in conjunction with exercise.
Sadly, you still can’t just sit on the sofa and expect miracles.
Various studies confirm you can get serious results from this approach. In fact, the American Council On Exercise recently tested developments in equipment, and revealed that muscle strength and endurance improved over time in those who had used an EMS device.
So, with all this in mind, I headed to one of the six gyms in the UK to offer E-Fit, and eagerly squeezed myself into the gymwear provided — a skin-tight T-shirt and three-quarter-length gym trousers, specially made from 95 per cent breathable cotton, so that nothing will stand in the way of the electrodes as they power through to your muscles.
Then, it was on with the gear that contains the technology — a bulky, high-tech jacket and unflatteringly-padded shorts — with extra straps fastened around the biceps and calves. I smiled at specially trained E-Fit expert Csaba Hegedus as he pulled the straps tighter. How bad could it be? Csaba, who travels the globe training people to use the system, warned me that my muscles would be put through their paces, thanks to short, sharp electric shocks.
It sounded a little extreme, but the list of benefits spurred me on, not to mention the fact I knew it would be over in 20 minutes.
As he jabbed at the buttons on the shiny, silver keyboard attached to the suit by a series of wires, I began to feel a slight tingle through my body.
‘Crank it up!’ I chirruped with a thumbs-up, thinking of all the hours of gym-time I’d save.
This ultra-modern system works by contracting the muscles, during which you basically clench your entire body while waiting for the pain to subside
This ultra-modern system works by contracting the muscles, during which you basically clench your entire body while waiting for the pain to subside
I felt brave — this was easy. All I could feel were jabbing, pinprick sensations all over my body. It was rather strange, and certainly not nice, but by no means painful or uncomfortable.
So, at my insistence, Csaba cranked it up. The scale goes from zero to 100. By the time it reached half capacity, I was a jibbering, juddering wreck as, every few seconds, electronic pulses seemed to sink beneath my skin, before trying to blast their way out to the surface.
I couldn’t say aloud what I was thinking — because I was too breathless to do more than gasp.


In the Sixties, Soviet sports scientists used EMS in the training of elite athletes
This ultra-modern system works by contracting the muscles, during which you basically clench your entire body while waiting for the pain to subside.
Csaba kept reminding me of the importance of moving — this is designed to boost your workout, not replace it, so you can’t just let the machine take the strain.
He led me through a gruelling regime of bicep curls with light weights, lunges, squats, running and jogging on the spot, before fast-paced sit-ups, abdominal crunches, cycling and scissoring my legs — each of the exercises accompanied by what felt like constant, static electric shocks.
As he cranked up the intensity, I gritted my teeth as electrodes pulsed on to my skin, triggering my nerves to contract and relax the muscles.
At £50 per session, E-Fit is not much more than a regular session with a posh personal trainer, and takes up far less of your day
At £50 per session, E-Fit is not much more than a regular session with a posh personal trainer, and takes up far less of your day
As your body is rigid, even the simplest squat or lunge is a real effort. Performing strengthening and toning exercises while wired up to the machine apparently intensifies the way the muscles respond, forcing them to work twice as hard in the same time.
Towards the end, I could feel my muscles were contracting involuntarily, even when Csaba switched the machine off. Was this normal? I asked. ‘Yes,’ Csaba reassured me. ‘It’s a sign it’s doing the job.’
The underlying muscle tissue is activated, too, which is what gives such a powerful sensation and makes you even more exhausted.
By the end of the session, I collapsed, drenched in sweat, feeling as if I’d been through an hour of circuit training, not a 20-minute workout.
At £50 per session, E-Fit is not much more than a regular session with a posh personal trainer, and takes up far less of your day. So, if you can endure the discomfort, this could be worth the effort.
And if it cuts down my time in a sweaty gym, I could definitely be persuaded to return.

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